💊 7 Hard Pills Every Creator Has To Swallow

Hey, how’s it going?

They say the truth hurts.

But sometimes, it's the very thing that helps us grow.

It’s no secret that the world of content creation is full of highs and lows.

I’ve spent most of my 20s creating content for others and for myself, and I would be lying if I said that I haven’t encountered some uncomfortable truths along the way.

So, in this newsletter, I’ll be sharing the 7 hardest pills I’ve had to swallow as a creator to normalise some of the lows.

Let’s get into it.

💭 Thought of the week

The world of content creation is way more than YouTube Play Buttons or LinkedIn Top Voice badges.

1. You can’t please everyone.

Attempting to cater to everyone's taste can lead to a cookie-cutter personal brand that nobody cares about.

Focus on your niche and the audience that resonates with your message. Pleasing a smaller, engaged audience is far more rewarding than chasing virality.

2. You’re more forgettable than you think.

See those comments of people saying that you’re their favourite creator?

If you don’t show up consistently in their feeds, they’ll forget about you in a heartbeat. It may sound harsh, but they mostly like you because you’re giving them something. You grow a following through a value exchange.

Find a posting rhythm that's sustainable for your lifestyle and stick to it to build trust.

3. There are no ‘overnight’ successes.

”But Joe, I know a guy who got 2M followers in just a few months!”

Sure, I know a few of those too.

These success stories are usually when somebody already accomplished in business leverages their resources, or, the common “overnight success” is the result of a creator finally getting their break after years and years of grinding in the darkness.

But I assure you: behind every single viral post there are 100s of discarded drafts. Success is nothing but a byproduct of persistent effort and resilience. It’s true in life and it’s true with social media.

4. Your content will suck at first.

Every content creator starts somewhere, and often, that beginning is far from perfect.

The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can start making 1% improvements that compound over time.

Accept that growth comes with time and experience. Embrace the process, and use each opportunity as a stepping stone towards mastery.

My best advice is to create what you enjoy. If you’re proud of what you post, that’s always enough. Everything else is a bonus.

5. You will compare yourself to other creators.

Let’s not fool ourselves, comparison is part of human nature.

But instead of letting it discourage you, use it as motivation to improve your own content.

Recently I’ve learned my own inflexion point for knowing how much content to consume before comparison kicks in. Remember that it’s you vs. you and it always has been. Steal like an artist, feel inspired, and then go offline!

6. Impostor Syndrome is real.

Impostor Syndrome can easily creep in when your content isn’t performing as expected.

So remember to own your achievements, reinforce your self-belief, and seek support when needed.

As Ryan Holiday puts it: “Belief in yourself is overrated. Generate evidence.”

7. Criticism is part of the package.

Feedback is an inevitable aspect of putting your work out there and not all of it will be positive.

The internet can be brutal, particularly on short-form platforms where trolls are ready to pounce in the Explore sections.

Embrace criticism as an opportunity for improvement. There usually won’t be truth behind negative messages, but always stay open to what you can do differently in the future.

8. BONUS 🎁 - It’s not the algo, it’s you.

Blaming algorithms for dips in engagement is a common theme among content creators.

But the truth is, if all it takes is a small algorithm tweak for your audience to disappear, then you never had an audience - they were mere passersby.

Instead of obsessing about growth hacks, invest in understanding and nurturing your community, creating content that resonates on a deeper level.

This is how you make sure they always come back for more, even if the algorithm tries to stand in their way.

💡 A perspective to consider

Any long-term creative project must feel fun.

I’ve just grabbed a DJI Osmo Pocket 3 to try and make filming videos easier. If this works, the only reason I’m back on YouTube is because I followed the principle of making content frictionless.

Make everything fun

❤️ Content I LOVED

📸 Instagram - How To Get Out Of 200 View Jail by Yasin Mammeri

- This video is incredible and Yasin is a short-form genius!


View more on Instagram


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✍️ Twitter/X - Turn Off The World by Zach Pogrob

- Get inspired, then get out.

✍️ Twitter/X - Embody Your Values by Danny Miranda

- This tweet from Danny really spoke to me. Advising others can come from a good place, but those words are empty calories if we don’t embody the wisdom ourselves. Show, don’t tell.

✍️ Quote of the week

"Ask for feedback on your attempts, not advice on your ideas."

Sahil Lavingia

Creator’s Compass
Helping you to become a better creator, every Sunday.